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ENT Associates of Savannah ENT Associates of Savannah

young woman painfully covering her earsYour little tot is on the move, but sometimes he stops to put his fingers in his ears. If you’re wondering why he does this, you’re not alone. Many parents ask us this question! From ear pain to the common cold, there are many reasons why toddlers stick their fingers in their ears. Keep reading to learn more:

Ear Pain & Signals

Your child likely communicates through signals when he’s sick, especially if he’s not of speaking age yet. For example, if he’s fractured a finger bone, he may stop using that hand during playtime (signal). Or, if he has ear pain, he may put his fingers in his ears (signal). Other reasons why he may put his fingers in his ears include:

  • Common cold
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Ear infections
  • Ear pain
  • Ear wax buildup
  • Foreign object in the ear
  • Teething

Putting his fingers in his ears is a normal, instinctive reaction when his ears are bothering him. As parents or guardians, we encourage you to be watching for these signs and take the appropriate measures to find out what’s wrong.

What Parents Should Do

Monitoring how often your child is putting his fingers in his ears is the first step to take. Also, take his attitude and mood into consideration. When children don’t feel well, they are prone to fussiness and frustration.

If your child’s abnormal behavior continues, reach out to the ENT Associates for help! Our friendly doctors will gently determine what’s going on within his ear. Our doctors will provide an accurate diagnosis and discuss a treatment plan with you to help your child feel better.

Toddlers aren’t the only people who have ear pain. We can help people of all ages find relief from ear pain or ear conditions. From hearing aids to newborn hearing tests, we have a plethora of ear-care services to help you thrive!

Schedule an appointment with an ENT doctor today.